
Hirschgarten Skatepark

As part of the City of Munich’s plan to refurbish its skatepark offering, the need arose for a new plan for the existing skate area at Hirschgarten park. The mission: The skatepark concept needed to be unique in comparison to existing and planned facilities in the area while supplementing the city’s overall skatepark offering. LNDSKT, in close cooperation with the Skateboarding München association and a local group of users, created a design fully oriented towards meeting the needs of street skaters.

The design is dominated by geometric and angled features. Complementing the offering, free-floating elements work alongside the ground pattern to create a ‘sculptural’ look. The selective implementation of granite elements also connects to the visual appearance to the federal state capital city of Munich.

In order to ensure a long-term attraction for regular users, the arrangement of skatepark elements allows for a diversity of multi-directional pathways on a comparatively small area. Viewed next to facilities at a similar size, where most pathways originate on a ramp, the lines at Hirschgarten tend to start from a panel on flat ground. After all, gaining speed on even, flat surface is one of the main characteristics of street skateboarding as a movement practice.

Skatepark area:

600 m²

Construction budget:

190.000 € (netto)

HOAI work stages:



Completion: August 2021

Construction Company: Schneestern

Constructor: Landeshauptstadt München