Skatepark design by LNDSKT.
LNDSKT is offering individual skatepark planning according to HOAI 1-9 for unique skateparks. Our team of experienced landscape architects, technical draftsmen, creative minds and passionate skateboarders knows and understands the needs of different skatepark user groups. As a planning office, we place great emphasis on aesthetic design, in addition to safety and functionality, to enable the construction of skateparks with a distinctive identity and beam power. Our mission is to sustainably improve the skatepark offer in Germany … [read more]
Our Service.
We offer customized skatepark design according to HOAI work stages 1-9 (Official Fee Scale for Services by Architects and Engineers). Our planning process stays close to the goals of our clients as well as the needs of local end users. In order to meet the highest quality control standards, our individualized design approach always follows six core principles … [read more]
für Städte & Gemeinden
Erfahren Sie alles Wichtige zur Planung und Bau von Skateanlagen in 120 Minuten, als Online- oder Präsenzveranstaltung … [weiterlesen]
Skateboarding exhibits a strong subcultural identity. This is one of the key theses proposed by LNDSKT co-founder Dr. Veith Kilberth in his dissertation ‘The Olympic Skateboarding Terrain: Between Subculture and Sportization’. Based on extensive research, Kilberth poses questions such as; What are the fundamental design principles for skateparks? Which social and cultural aspects of skateboarding need to be considered? Why are skateparks necessary and what could municipal offerings for skateboard spaces entail in the future? Find a summary of the dissertation’s main takeaways, German Only … [read more]
Skatepark Support
The 10-Steps-Plan to realize a local skatepark project – we offer professional support for dedicated skateboarders … [read more]